Escape From Scorpion Island Wiki


16 adventurers arrived on Scorpion Island and were split into three teams. Sting, Claw and Venom. For the two weeks of their stay, the teams would compete in challenges to win Island Torches. Whichever team had the most Island Torches on the day before the race to escape, would have the biggest advantage on the day of the escape.

Gaming Elements

The Eliminator and Double Jeopardy- Everyday, the teams would compete in a challenge. every challenge was divided into two parts. The Eliminator and Double Jeopardy. The team that won Double Jeopardy last time, would bypass the Eliminator and go straight to Double Jeopardy this time. The other two teams would face off in The Eliminator while the team that bypassed The Eliminator gets to watch the other teams to help them decide who they want to play in Double Jeopardy. The winning team of The Eliminator would advance to Double Jeopardy and have a chance to win an Island Torch. The losing team would go back to their camp, usually to debrief. If the team that bypassed the eliminator won Double Jeopardy, they would win an Island Torch. If the team that didn't bypass The Eliminator won Double Jeopardy, they would win an Island Torch and take one from the losing team. Also, the winner of Double Jeopardy would bypass the next Eliminator.

Captain's challenge- Happened on days 3-13. After the challenge to win an Island Torch, the teams would vote for a new team captain. The three team captain's would then each select a bamboo pole. Whoever got the shortest pole would have to complete a task. If they succeded, the captain would win a luxury prize for their team. If not, then the other two teams get the luxury prize instead.

Island Fire- At the end of every day, all three teams would come here to see the name of the next challenge and who will be competing. To find out who's competing, all the adventurers on one team would place their hands in handprints. Whoever's handprints glowed brightly would be selected to play by the island. Only the teams competing in The Eliminator do this. The team that bypasses The Eliminator gets to choose which members of their team they want to play and who they want their opponents to be, but they can't pick anyone who competed in The Eliminator unless otherwise stated.


BlackbusterCritic and Alex the verticalspy



Charles Hamilton



FanFic Critic


Jessi Slaughter








Tim Buckley



Starting teams:

Sting - Cyndilovespiccolo, Guptill89, MichaelDragon800, Realmrsoptimusprime, Snapesnogger

Claw - Charles Hamilton, FanFic Critic, Jessi Slaughter, Nuttymadam3575, Onigojirakaiju

Venom - Alexander4488, ericDouglace, MagicalPockyUsagi, PissedOffAngryGamer, Waluigis-girl

Kidnapped - Tim Buckley

After the first challenge on Day 1:

Sting - Cyndilovespiccolo, Guptill89, MichaelDragon800, Realmrsoptimusprime, Snapesnogger

Claw - Charles Hamilton, FanFic Critic, Jessi Slaughter, Nuttymadam3575, Onigojirakaiju, Tim Buckley

Venom - Alexander4488, ericDouglace, MagicalPockyUsagi, PissedOffAngryGamer, Waluigis-girl

Before The Eliminator on Day 9:

Sting - Cyndilovespiccolo, Guptill89, MichaelDragon800, Realmrsoptimusprime, Snapesnogger

Claw - Charles Hamilton, FanFic Critic, Nuttymadam3575, Onigojirakaiju, Tim Buckley

Venom - Alexander4488, ericDouglace, MagicalPockyUsagi, PissedOffAngryGamer, Waluigis-girl

Kidnapped - Jessi Slaughter

After The Eliminator on Day 9:

Sting - Cyndilovespiccolo, Guptill89, MichaelDragon800, Realmrsoptimusprime, Snapesnogger

Claw - Charles Hamilton, FanFic Critic, Nuttymadam3575, Onigojirakaiju, Tim Buckley

Venom - Alexander4488, ericDouglace, Jessi Slaughter, MagicalPockyUsagi, PissedOffAngryGamer, Waluigis-girl

After the Island Fire on Night 14:

Sting - Cyndilovespiccolo, Guptill89, MichaelDragon800, Realmrsoptimusprime, Snapesnogger

Claw - Charles Hamilton, FanFic Critic, Nuttymadam3575, Onigojirakaiju, Tim Buckley

Venom - ericDouglace, Jessi Slaughter, MagicalPockyUsagi, PissedOffAngryGamer, Waluigis-girl

Kidnapped - Alexander4488

After The Eliminator on Day 15:

Sting - Alexander4488, Cyndilovespiccolo, Guptill89, MichaelDragon800, Realmrsoptimusprime, Snapesnogger

Claw - Charles Hamilton, FanFic Critic, Nuttymadam3575, Onigojirakaiju, Tim Buckley

Venom - ericDouglace, Jessi Slaughter, MagicalPockyUsagi, PissedOffAngryGamer, Waluigis-girl

Island Torches

Day 1- Claw- 1, Sting and Venom- 0

Day 2- Claw- 2, Sting and Venom- 0

Day 3- Venom- 2, Claw- 1, Sting- 0

Day 4- Sting- 2, Claw and Venom- 1

Day 5- Sting- 3, Claw and Venom- 1

Day 6- Sting- 4, Claw and Venom- 1

Day 7- Sting and Claw- 3, Venom- 1

Day 8- Claw- 4, Sting- 3, Venom- 1

Day 9- Claw- 5, Sting- 3, Venom- 1

Day 10- Claw- 6, Sting- 3, Venom- 1

Day 11- Sting- 5, Claw- 5, Venom- 1

Day 12- Sting- 6, Claw- 5, Venom- 1

Day 13- Sting- 7, Claw- 5, Venom- 1

Day 14- Claw- 7, Sting- 6, Venom- 1

Day 1

The sixteen adventurers arrived on Scorpion Island by helicopter (FanFic Critic, Guptill89, Onigojirakaiju, Snapesnogger and Waluigis-girl), mini-subs (Cyndilovespiccolo, ericDouglace, Jessi Slaughter, MagicalPockyUsagi, MichaelDragon800 and Tim Buckley) and sea plane (Alexander4488, Charles Hamilton, Nuttymadam3575, PissedOffAngryGamer and Realmrsoptimusprime). When everyone arrived, they couldn't wait to take on the challenges the island had in store for them. Their first task was to find a tailsman to decide which team they would be on, there were sixteen of them somewhere on the beach so everyone had to find one. Five were orange, five were black, five were green and one was booby trapped. Tim Buckley found the booby trapped one and just when he was about to grab it, he fell and the island kidnapped him.

Meanwhile, everyone else found a tailsman so the three teams could be formed. Cyndilovespiccolo, Guptill89, MichaelDragon800, Realmrsoptimusprime and Snapesnogger all found an orange tailsman so the five of them became Team Sting. Charles Hamilton, FanFic Critic, Jessi Slaughter, Nuttymadam3575 and Onigojirakaiju all found a black tailsman so the five of them became Team Claw. Alexander4488, ericDouglace, MagicalPockyUsagi, PissedOffAngryGamer and Waluigis-girl all found a green tailsman so the five of them became Team Venom. The hosts BlackbusterCritic and Alex the verticalspy then asked the adventurers if anyone was missing. They looked around and found that Tim Buckley wasn't there. BlackbusterCritic and Alex the verticalspy then told them to ignore Tim Buckley for now and make their way to their first challenge.

The challenge is called Lethal Lagoon. In this challenge, all fifteen adventurers would have to walk across a net made of rope and collect all three of their teams coloured flags (Sting=Orange, Claw=Black, Venom=Green). Once a team got all their flags, they had to make their way to the finish line. The first team to get all three of their flags and get all their team member to the finish line wins. After explaining the challenge, BlackbusterCritic and Alex the verticalspy pulled up a blanket revealing Tim Buckley locked in a cage. They told the teams that whoever won this challenge would win Tim Buckley as a sixth team member and one island torch.

During the challenge, Venom had a little bit of trouble at the beginning while Claw got a great start and handled the challenge very well and won. After Claw finished, Sting and Venom continued to play for second. Venom was a bit behind and tried to catch up to Sting, but couldn't, so Sting came second and Venom came third. Tim Buckley was released and joined Claw as their sixth member and Claw won an island torch.

The teams then made their way to three camps where they would stay for the next two weeks. One camp was sheltered and had a view of the rapids, one camp had the most sunlight plus lots of tables and chairs to have team meetings and the last camp was directly above the lagoon. Since Claw won the challenge, they got to pick their camp first. Sting came second so they would select second and Venom would get whatever camp was left. Claw picked the sheltered one with a view of the rapids and Sting picked the one with tables and chairs leaving Venom with the one above the lagoon.

In Team Claw, Jessi Slaughter conquered her fear of swamps during the challenge. However, even though Claw won the first challenge, they weren't working well as a team. Onigojirakaiju and Nuttymadam3575 had an argument about Onigojirakaiju being a little pushy during the challenge. Also, Onigojirakaiju was worried that he was taking over and might cause troubles for his team, but only time would tell if that was true.

Each team had to make up three rules for their team.

Sting's rules: 1. Enjoy yourself 2. Work hard and respect your teammates 3. Always try your best

Claw's rules: 1. Claw always cooperates 2. Claw always do their best x10 3. Claw is as strong as their weakest member.

Venom's rules: 1. Treat people as you would like to be treated. 2. Teamwork and respect 3. Win

The teams then had to vote for their first team captains. ericDouglace became captain for Venom. Realmrsoptimusprime became captain for Sting. Claw were arguing over one person not being happy with who the team captain would. The vote was a tie between Charles Hamilton and FanFic Critic so the two of them had to decide amongst themselves and eventually chose FanFic Critic.

All three teams then went to the island fire to learn about their next challenge. Is was then that Claw lit the island torch they won that day. BlackbusterCritic and Alex the verticalspy then told the teams that everyday, they would be competing in challenges to win as many torches as possible.

Then the three team captains turned the rings in the Island Fire to reveal the name of the next challenge: The Tipping Point. BlackbusterCritic and Alex the verticalspy also mentioned that every challenge from now on would be in two parts: The Eliminator and Double Jeopardy. Since Claw won today's challenge, they would get to bypass the first eliminator and go straight to Double Jeopardy. Only Sting and Venom would play in the Eliminator and the winner would face Claw in Double Jeopardy for an Island Torch. All of Sting then placed their hands in the island handprints to find out who would play in The Eliminator. Cyndilovespiccolo, MichaelDragon800 and Snapesnogger's handprints glowed meaning they were selected to play by the island. Then Venom did the same thing and PissedOffAngryGamer, MagicalPockyUsagi and Alexander4488 were selected. The adventurers said goodnight, went back to their camps and then BlackbusterCritic and Alex the verticalspy signed off.

Day 2

Today's challenge is called The Tipping Point. Three members from both Sting and Venom competed. Cyndilovespiccolo, MichaelDragon800 and Snapesnogger for Sting, and PissedOffAngryGamer, MagicalPockyUsagi and Alexander4488 for Venom. In this challenge, one member from both teams had to walk across an unstable bridge while carrying a bamboo pole with rocks and trying to avoid the slime and skulls. If they fell off, they had to go back to the start and do it again. Once the first team member got across, they had to pass the pole to their second member and they would cross. When the second team member was done they would pass the pole to the third member. The third team member then had to cross the bridge and pour the rocks into a volcano to make it erupt. The first team to make the volcano erupt would win and get to face Claw in Double Jeopardy.

When The Eliminator began, the first adventurers to cross were Snapesnogger for Sting and Alexander4488 for Venom. Almost the entire time it was neck and neck and neither of them fell off. Alexander4488 pulled ahead and got across giving Venom the lead. MagicalPockyUsagi then went out for Venom. When Snapesnogger made it across, Cyndilovespiccolo went out. MagicalPockyUsagi made Venom's lead even bigger. Unfortunately, Cyndilovespiccolo slipped on the slime causing her to hurt her leg. The challenge was temporarily stopped so Cyndilovespiccolo could get off. She couldn't continue the challenge so MichaelDragon800 had to take her place by finishing crossing the bridge for her and then crossing one more time to deliver the rocks to the volcano. MagicalPockyUsagi finished crossing the bridge, but MichaelDragon800 started to catch up. PissedOffAngryGamer then went for Venom. MichaelDragon800 finished Cyndilovespiccolo's lap, so he turned around and did his own and managed to catch up to PissedOffAngryGamer. Right before PissedOffAngryGamer could make it to the volcano, he slipped and fell off, leaving MichaelDragon800 to make it to the volcano and win for Sting, allowing Sting to face Claw in Double Jeopardy.

During The Eliminator, Claw was watching to decide who they wanted to play. Onigojirakaiju and Nuttymadam3575 argued a lot about who would be right for the challenge, but soon decided on Tim Buckley and Onigojirakaiju. One of Claw's rules is that Claw always cooperates, but even though they're in the lead with Island Torches and have an advantage over the other teams, somehow they're not cooperating.

After losing The Eliminator, Venom went back to camp. Since he slipped at the very end, PissedOffAngryGamer thought it was his fault and thought he let his team down. His teammates cheered him up and told them that they win as a team, they lose as a team. PissedOffAngryGamer was still sad though and still blamed himself for the loss.

The challenge became more difficult for Double Jeopardy. Only two members from each team would compete instead of three and one of them would be blindfolded. Both team members would be on different bridges. The unblindfoled player had to guide their blindfolded teammate to the middle of their bridge so they could pass the rocks to them. Then the unblindfolded player had to guide their teammate to the volcano to deliver the rocks and make it erupt. Both teams only had a few minutes to complete the challenge. Whoever delivered the rocks in the fastest time would win. If nobody delivered rocks in time, then whoever got their rocks the closest to the volcano won.

Tim Buckley and Onigojirakaiju would play for Claw. Normally, since Claw bypassed The Eliminator, they would get to choose which members of Sting they wanted to play as long as they didn't compete in The Eliminator, but since Guptill89 and Realmrsoptimusprime were the only ones who didn't play yet, they had to. Also, BlackbusterCritic and Alex the verticalspy told the viewers that the team that bypassed The Eliminator would have to risk one of their own Island Torches. Therefore, if Sting won, they would win a new Island Torch and take one from Claw.

Sting went first in Double Jeopardy with Guptill89 being blindfolded. Realsmrsoptimusprime got to the middle quickly while carefully guiding Guptill89. Guptill89 almost fell of a few times but managed to stay on. The two of them had a lot of trouble lining up the poles so Realmrsoptimusprime could pass the rocks to Guptill89 and when Realmrsoptimusprime tried to, the poles weren't lined up so she missed. She tried going back for more rocks, but her time was up.

It was Claw's turn now and Onigojirakaiju was blindfolded. Tim Buckley and Onigojirakaiju met in the middle very quickly. They managed to line up their poles but when Tim Buckley tried passing the rocks, he only got a few in Onigojirakaiju's pole so Onigojirakaiju couldn't afford to drop any. Onigojirakaiju then headed for the volcano and didn't drop any rocks, but just missed the volcano when he tried to put them in and ran out of time.

Neither team managed to deliver the rocks to the volcano, so the winner was whoever got their rocks the closest which was Claw. BlackbusterCritic and Alex the verticalspy then lit Claw's new Island Torch and Claw took it along with the torch they risked. Claw now had 2 island torches while both Sting and Venom still had none.

That night, all three teams went to the Island Fire to learn the name of the next challenge. The team captains turned the ring which revealed the name of the next challenge: Rock Hard Raise. Since Claw won today, they get to bypass The Eliminator, so just Sting and Venom would compete in The Eliminator and the winner would face Claw in Double Jeopardy. All of Sting then placed their hands in the island handprints to see who would play in The Eliminator. Realmrsoptimusprime, Guptill89 and Cyndilovespiccolo's handprints glowed bright meaning they were selected to play by the island. Venom did the same thing and Waluigis-girl, ericDouglace and PissedOffAngryGamer were selected. The adventurers then returned to camp and BlackbusterCritic and Alex the verticalspy left the viewers wondering if Claw's winning streak would continue.

Day 3

Today's challenge is called Rock Hard Raise. Three members from both Sting and Venom competed. Realmrsoptimusprime, Guptill89 and Cyndilovespiccolo from Sting and Waluigis-girl, ericDouglace and PissedOffAngryGamer from Venom. In this challenge, one member from both teams would be hooked into a swing and had to place eight large blocks into eight individual stalls and lock them into place. The bottom stall was on the ground while the top stall was 20 meters off the ground, so the only way for the teams to get the blocks into the stalls was for the other two members from both teams to pull on a rope to lift their teammates up. The person in the swing had to carry one block at a time, and the first team to get all their blocks into the stalls and have their teammate in the swing touch the ground wins and gets to face Claw in Double Jeopardy.

During The Eliminator, Waluigis-girl carried the blocks for Venom and Realmrsoptimusprime did it for Sting. MichaelDragon800 and Snapesnogger, who were on Sting and weren't competing, noticed Realmrsoptimusprime carrying the blocks and thought that Sting agreed that Guptill89 would do it, but Guptill89 and Realmrsoptimusprime swapped places without telling them.

Waluigis-girl managed to get her blocks in quickly and gave Venom the lead. Meanwhile, because Realmrsoptimusprime was small, she dropped a lot of blocks. Waluigis-girl dropped some sometimes too giving Sting chances to catch up. At some points in the challenge, when ericDouglace and PissedOffAngryGamer were pulling Waluigis-girl up, ericDouglace kept falling over and PissedOffAngryGamer had to drag ericDouglace with him. Near the end of the challenge, Sting and Venom were neck and neck, but Venom got ahead and won, meaning they would get to face Claw in Double Jeopardy.

Claw was watching the whole time and said they need someone the right size to carry the blocks and strong people to pull that person up.

A torchless Sting went back to camp and MichaelDragon800 and Snapesnogger were arguing with the others because they never told them that they swapped Guptill89 and Realmrsoptimusprime because Guptill89 would be too heavy for Cyndilovespiccolo and Realmrsoptimusprime to pull up, but the others said they did tell them. Since Realmrsoptimusprime was the captain, she decided they should leave the challenge behind and try to work together more, so they apologised and hugged each other.

The challenge became harder for Double Jeopardy. This time, all the blocks had letters on them. The teams had to place the lettered blocks in the correct order to spell the word SCORPION. Some of the blocks were already in stalls and had to be rearranged. Whoever completed the word SCORPION first wins.

Three members from each team would play. Since Claw bypassed The Eliminator, they got to choose who would play from both teams. They chose Charles Hamilton, FanFic Critic and Jessi Slaughter to play for Claw. Since Alexander4488 and MagicalPockyUsagi didn't compete yet, they had to play this time, so Claw had to choose someone who played in The Eliminator to play Double Jeopardy. They chose ericDouglace because he fell over a lot in The Eliminator.

During Double Jeopardy, Charles Hamilton carried the blocks for Claw and Alexander4488 did it for Venom. Alexander4488 rearranged the blocks that were in the wrong stalls quickly while Charles Hamilton struggled to unlock the stalls and felt pressured. Both of them dropped lots of blocks and no one could tell who was winning. Eventually, Venom got ahead and won the challenge by three blocks.

Since Claw bypassed The Eliminator and lost, they had to give up one of their Island Torches. BlackbusterCritic and Alex the verticalspy then lit a new Island Torch for Venom and gave them one of Claw's. This put Venom in the lead with 2, Claw had 1 and Sting still had none.

It was time to vote for new team captains. Tim Buckley became captain for Claw and MagicalPockyUsagi became captain for Venom. It was a tie between MichaelDragon800 and Snapesnogger in Sting, so they had to decide amongst themselves. Snapesnogger thought MichaelDragon800 should be captain because she thought he would be good at it and help their team work together better, so MichaelDragon800 became captain for Sting.

The three captains then drew bamboo poles to see who would do the Captain's Challenge. Tim Buckley picked the shortest pole meaning he had to do it. Tim Buckley had 30 seconds to find five hard-boiled eggs in a bucket of eggs by smashing them on his head. If he found the five that didn't break when he smashed them on his head, he would win Claw a luxury prize. If not, Sting and Venom would get it instead. Tim Buckley smashed the eggs like crazy and thought he found all five, but then someone smashed the last egg he thought was hard-boiled and they found out it was fresh. This meant Sting and Venom won the prize which was mini chocolate eggs which they decided to share with Claw.

That night, all three teams went to the Island Fire to learn the name of their next challenge. The captains turned the ring to find out was the next challenge would be: Triple Decker. Since Venom won today, they got to skip The Eliminator and go straight to Double Jeopardy, so just Sting and Claw would compete in The Eliminator and the winner would face Venom in Double Jeopardy. All of Sting then placed their hands in the island handprints to see who would play in The Eliminator. MichaelDragon800 and Snapesnogger's handprints glowed bright which meant that they were selected to play by the island. Claw did the same thing and Nuttymadam3575 and Onigojirakaiju were selected. The adventurers then said goodnight to BlackbusterCritic and Alex the verticalspy and returned to camp. BlackbusterCritic and Alex the verticalspy then left the viewers wondering if Sting would claim an Island Torch in the near future.

Day 4

Today's challenge is called Triple Decker. Two members from Sting and Claw competed in The Eliminator. MichaelDragon800 and Snapesnogger from Sting and Nuttymadam3575 and Onigojirakaiju from Claw. In this challenge, there are two sets of cables. One for both teams. The teams had to slide from one side of the cable bridge to the other on skateboards while holding a totem pole. If a skateboard fell off the bridge, they had to use just two. If another fell off, they had to go back and get new ones. If both members on a team fell off, they had to start over again. The first team to get to the end and use the totem pole to smash the skull at the end wins and gets to face Venom in Double Jeopardy. If neither team smashed the skull in 10 minutes, the challenge would end and whoever came the closest to the skull wins.

During The Eliminator, Sting showed great teamwork and slowly made it across the bridge while Claw struggled and wobbled a lot. Claw fell off lots of times while Sting only wobbled once but didn't fall. Near the end when Sting almost made it, Claw decided to use just two skateboards. They went a lot faster, but they couldn't catch up and Sting smashed the skull first winning the challenge, meaning they would face Venom in Double Jeopardy. At one point, Nuttymadam3575 cut her knees when they were on the cables so she had to go to the medic.

Venom was watching The Eliminator and MagicalPockyUsagi and Waluigis-girl were both ill, so either Alexander4488, PissedOffAngryGamer or ericDouglace had to play Double Jeopardy. ericDouglace told the others that he was afraid of heights and he already played in both of the other challenges so far so he didn't want to do it. Alexander4488 didn't want to do it either because he tried really hard in the last challenge and wasn't up for it, but the others persuaded him and he decided to compete anyway so they decided on Alexander4488 and PissedOffAngryGamer.

After The Eliminator, Claw went back to camp except for Nuttymadam3575 who was still at the medic and Claw thought they should've had a rhythm when crossing the cables. They then got to know each other more and decided to come up with strategies before the challenge and have everyone listen to each others ideas.

The challenge became harder for Double Jeopardy. One of the two members from both teams would be blindfolded so the unblindfolded person would have to guide them. Both teams would be holding three skulls. If they dropped them all, they had to go back for more. The first team to get to the other side and place one of their skulls on the platform wins. If neither team did it in 10 minutes, the challenge would go to sudden death. The teams could still try to make it to the other side, but the first team that dropped a board or skull would automatically lose.

Two members from each team would play. Since Venom bypassed The Eliminator, they got to choose who would play from both teams. They chose Alexander4488 and PissedOffAngryGamer to play for Venom. Normally, they would choose who would play from Sting, but MichaelDragon800 and Snapesnogger already competed in The Eliminator so they couldn't. Also, Cyndilovespiccolo's leg was still hurting from The Tipping Point so she couldn't play either. That left Guptill89 and Realmrsoptimusprime to play for Sting.

During Double Jeopardy, Guptill89 was blindfolded for Sting and Alexander4488 for Venom. Sting were struggling and both teams fell off a lot. Sting tried crossing with only two boards, but that didn't work. At one point, Guptill89's blindfold came off, so he kept his eyes shut so he wouldn't cheat. When the time was almost up, Guptill89 and Alexander4488 were crawling on the wires. The time ran out so the challenge went to sudden death. Both teams were really careful, unfortunately, Venom lost a board so Sting won. PissedOffAngryGamer was so upset that he threw a skull so hard that it broke.

Since Venom bypassed The Eliminator and lost, that had to give up one of their Island Torches. BlackbusterCritic and Alex the verticalspy then lit a new torch for Sting and gave them one of Venom's. Sting were now in the lead with 2 while Claw and Venom both had 1.

It was time to vote for new team captains. Alexander4488 became captain for Venom and Snapesnogger became captain for Sting. There was a three way tie for Jessi Slaughter, Onigojirakaiju and Charles Hamilton in Claw so they had to decide amongst themselves. After a little discussion they decided on Onigojirakaiju.

The three team captains then drew bamboo poles to find out who would do the Captain's Challenge. Onigojirakaiju picked the shortest pole so he would do it. Onigojirakaiju had to look at ten items on a table and remember all of them. Then he had to close his eyes and say all ten items that were on the table. If he got them all right, Claw would get the luxury prize. If not, Sting and Venom would get it instead. Onigojirakaiju was shown items including a skull, a red skull, a shell, a rock, an axe, rope, a chain, a drum, a lantern and an anchor. When he covered his eyes he said the names of nine items really quickly. The only item left was the axe which Onigojirakaiju had trouble remebering. But eventually he said it and won the prize for Claw. Claw won a barbeque with lots of burgers and sausages which they ate for the afternoon.

That night, all three teams went to the Island Fire to learn the name of the next challenge. The captains turned the rings to find out what the challenge would be: High Risk High Wire. Since Sting won today, they got to skip The Eliminator and go straight to Double Jeopardy, so just Claw and Venom would compete in The Eliminator and the winner would face Sting in Double Jeopardy. All of Claw then placed their hands in the island handprints to see who would play in The Eliminator. Jessi Slaughter, FanFic Critic and Charles Hamilton's hand prints glowed brightly which meant that they were selected to play by the island. Venom did the same thing and Waluigis-girl, ericDouglace and Alexander4488 were selected. The adventurers then said goodnight to BlackbusterCritic and Alex the verticalspy and returned to camp. BlackbusterCritic and Alex the verticalspy then signed off.

Day 5

Today's challenge is called High Risk High Wire. Three members from Claw and Venom competed in The Eliminator. In this challenge, all the adventurers had to get on a wire and crawl across to the other side while pushing a skull across the wire. If any of them fell off, they had to start over. When someone got their skull to the other end, they successfully made it across, and the first team to have all three team members get across successfully wins and gets to face Sting in Double Jeopardy.

During The Eliminator, Jessi Slaughter went really slowly and managed to get across first for Claw. Everyone else kept on falling. After a while, ericDouglace, who had a fear of heights, managed to make it across for Venom and didn't even fall off. Waluigis-girl found the challenge too physically demanding so she pulled out of the challenge. Having heard of Waluigis-girl giving up, BlackbusterCritic and Alex the verticalspy shouted to the remaining adventurers that the rules have been changed. Since both teams already had one player across, the next person to get to the end wins the challenge for their team. This meant that only Charles Hamilton or FanFic Critic had to get across for Claw and since Waluigis-girl gave up, it was all up to Alexander4488 to win it for Venom. The challenge was taking so long that Jessi Slaughter grew impatient and named the skull that she pushed across Brian. FanFic Critic, Charles Hamilton and Alexander4488 all started getting really close to the end, but then Charles Hamilton fell off and Alexander4488 caught up and overtook FanFic Critic and won for Venom, meaning they would face Sting in Double Jeopardy.

Sting were watching The Eliminator and decided to try and have everyone do an equal amount of challenges, so they discussed how many challenges everyone did to decide how they could make it more even.

After The Eliminator, Claw went back to camp and discussed that they should support each other more and decide to bond with each other.

The challenge became harder for Double Jeopardy. Instead of pushing skulls across, the teams had to push a flag across. The flag was connected to all three wires so all three team members would have to try and push it at the same speed to move it across the cables. Even if one team member fell off, they had to start over and the other team members would have to wait for them to catch up. The first team to get their flag to the other side of the cables wins.

Three members from each team would play. Since Sting bypassed The Eliminator they got to choose who would play from both teams. They chose Snapesnogger, MichaelDragon800 and Cyndilovespiccolo for Sting. Since PissedOffAngryGamer and MagicalPockyUsagi didn't compete yet, they had to play this time, so Sting had to choose someone who played in The Eliminator to play Double Jeopardy and chose Alexander4488.

During Double Jeopardy, nobody fell off. Sting had great communication and teamwork so they raced ahead. Everyone in Venom were going at different paces so they didn't make much progress. Sting won the challenge easily while Venom still tried to finish anyway. But Alexander4488 fell off so they couldn't finish.

BlackbusterCritic and Alex the verticalspy then lit Sting's new Island Torch and Sting took it along with the torch they risked. Sting now had 3 Island Torches while both Claw and Venom still had 1.

It was time to vote for new team captains. Cyndilovespiccolo became captain for Sting and Charles Hamilton became captain for Claw. Venom had a tie between PissedOffAngryGamer and Waluigis-girl so they had to decide amongst themselves. PissedOffAngryGamer wanted Waluigis-girl to be captain because mostly the boys were captain so far, so Waluigis-girl became captain for Venom.

The three team captains then drew bamboo poles to see who would do the Captain's Challenge. Waluigis-girl picked the shortest pole so she would do it. Waluigis-girl would be blindfolded and spun around ten times to become dizzy. Then she had to use a stick to break open a box. If she did, all three teams would win the luxury prize so everyone was counting on Waluigis-girl. Waluigis-girl smashed open the box easily and all three teams scrambled for the sweets that were inside. Then everyone decided to spend the afternoon in the lagoon and all the teams bonded.

That night, all three teams went to the Island Fire to learn the name of the next challenge. The captains turned the rings to find out what the challenge would be: Relentless River Run. Since Sting won today, they got to bypass The Eliminator and go straight to Double Jeopardy, so just Claw and Venom would compete in The Eliminator and the winner would face Sting in Double Jeopardy. All of Claw then placed their hands in the island handprints to see who would play in The Eliminator. Jessi Slaughter, Tim Buckley and Nuttymadam3575's handprints glowed brightly which meant that they were selected to play by the island. Venom did the same thing and ericDouglace, Waluigis-girl and PissedOffAngryGamer were selected. The adventurers then said goodnight to BlackbusterCritic and Alex the verticalspy and returned to camp. BlackbusterCritic and Alex the verticalspy then left the viewers wondering if Sting would continue to win Island Torches.

Day 6

Today's challenge is called Relentless River Run. Three members from both Claw and Venom competed in The Eliminator. In this challenge, team members would go out one at a time and attempt to make their way across a bridge made of eight unstable hammocks hung above Thunder River. If they got to the end, they had to grab one of their team coloured flags and then the next team member would go. If they fell off, they had to swim back to the start while the next team member went out. Both teams would do this challenge one by one and whoever got the most team members across within the time limit wins and gets to play Sting in Double Jeopardy. If nobody made it across, then the win went to whichever team had one of their members make it the furthest across the bridge.

In The Eliminator, Claw went first. Jessi Slaughter got onto the first hammock quickly but fell off on the second. Tim Buckley went next and also fell off on the second hammock. It was Nuttymadam3575's turn and because of her small size, she had trouble reaching the first hammock. She got on and she too fell off on the second hammock. Jessi Slaughter went out again but fell off on the second hammock again. Then Tim Buckley went out and got all the way to the sixth hammock before time ran out.

It was Venom's turn now. PissedOffAngryGamer made getting on the first hammock look easy but fell off on the second. Waluigis-girl went next and got to the sixth hammock and was about to get to the seventh, but time ran out.

Since neither team made it all the way across, whoever got the furthest across won. However, both teams got a member to the sixth hammock so to break the tie, whoever got to the sixth hammock in the fastest time won, which was Venom, so they would play Sting in Double Jeopardy.

Sting were watching The Eliminator and decided they wanted ericDouglace to play for Venom because they didn't get to see him play and thought that gave them an unfair advantage. they then decided who would play for Sting and agreed quickly.

Claw went back to camp after losing The Eliminator three times in a row. Jessi Slaughter thought they lost challenges because they were arguing a lot. Nuttymadam3575 personally thought that everyone thought that because of her small size, she didn't do well in challenges. Her teammates then cheered her up and reminded her that Claw is as strong as their weakest member, because they thought she had a good fighting spirit and was determined to keep going.

The challenge became harder for Double Jeopardy. Instead of teams playing the challenge one at a time, both teams would be playing at the same time. One member from both teams would race across the hammock bridge and try to get to the end. If a team member fell off, they had to return to the start and their next member would go. If someone made it to the end, they would have to wait on the last hammock while their next team member tried to get across. Whichever team had the most members across within the time limit wins.

Three members from both teams would play. Since Sting bypassed The Eliminator, they got to choose who would play from both teams. They chose MichaelDragon800, Guptill89 and Snapesnogger to play for Sting. Since MagicalPockyUsagi and Alexander4488 didn't compete in The Eliminator, they had to play Double Jeopardy, so Sting had to choose someone who played in The Eliminator to play Double Jeopardy and chose ericDouglace.

This challenge involved swimming which might have been difficult for Alexander4488 because BlackbusterCritic and Alex the verticalspy told the viewers that Alexander4488 only learned how to swim a couple of weeks before arriving on Scorpion Island and couldn't swim very far a few weeks ago but he had to try hard if he wanted to win the challenge.

During Double Jeopardy, MichaelDragon800 got to the seventh hammock but fell off while trying to get to the eighth. Alexander4488 who wasn't a good swimmer did well but couldn't get onto the first hammock so MagicalPockyUsagi took over. Guptill89 got across really fast while MagicalPockyUsagi used Guptill89 as balance to get across and they both got to the end so both Sting and Venom had one member across. ericDouglace had trouble getting on the first hammock and MichaelDragon800 past him, but he fell off on the second hammock again. Snapesnogger then went past ericDouglace and ericDouglace finally got on and tried to catch up. Since time was running out, MichaelDragon800 and Alexander4488 couldn't make another run in time so it was all up to Snapesnogger and ericDouglace. Snapesnogger almost fell at the halfway point. Then ericDouglace slowed down while Snapesnogger got to the right before time ran out so with two members across, Sting won.

BlackbusterCritic and Alex the verticalspy then lit Sting's new Island Torch and Sting took it along with the torch they risked. Sting now had 4 Island Torches while both Claw and Venom had 1.

It was time to vote for new team captains. Guptill89 became captain for Sting, Tim Buckley became captain for Claw and PissedOffAngryGamer became captain for Venom so there were no ties.

The three team captains then drew bamboo poles to see who would do the Captain's Challenge. Guptill89 picked the shortest pole so he would do it. He would be given paper and a pencil and had to draw pictures of three people from the opposing teams and his teammates had to guess who he was drawing. If they got all three correct, Sting would get the luxury prize. If not, Claw and Venom would get it instead. The three people Guptill89 drew were Alexander4488, Nuttymadam3575 and ericDouglace. Since Alexander4488 was the only one with curly hair, Sting easily guessed that Guptill89 was drawing Alexander4488. Sting got the other two correct and won the prize. Sting won art items which they used to paint pictures. Realmrsoptimusprime wondered if they could share their prize with the other teams. Sting thought it was too hard to share. Claw and Venom didn't mind them not sharing anyway.

That night, all three teams went to the Island Fire to learn the name of the next challenge. The captains turned the rings to find out what the challenge would be: Depth Charge. Since Sting won today, they got to bypass The Eliminator again and go straight to Double Jeopardy, so just Claw and Venom would compete in The Eliminator and the winner would face Sting in Double Jeopardy. All of Claw then placed their hands in the island handprints to see who would play in The Eliminator. Jessi Slaughter, FanFic Critic and Onigojirakaiju's handprints glowed brightly which meant that they were selected to play by the island. Venom did the same thing and Alexander4488, Waluigis-girl and ericDouglace were selected. The adventurers then said goodnight to BlackbusterCritic and Alex the verticalspy and returned to camp. BlackbusterCritic and Alex the verticalspy then left the viewers wondering if either Claw or Venom could stop Sting's winning streak.

Day 7

Today's challenge is called Depth Charge. Three members from both Claw and Venom competed in The Eliminator. In this challenge, there were two rafts in the ocean, one for each team, and a series of cogs in the water. The teams had to swim as fast as they could to collect all the cogs with their team colour (Claw=Black, Venom=Green). Once a team had all their cogs, they had to swim to their raft, climb on and put all the cogs in the correct spots so they would connect to the giant cog that moved the raft when turned. Once all the cogs were in correctly, teams had to insert a handle into one of the cogs and turn it to get the raft going, and the first team to get their raft going wins and gets to play Sting in Double Jeopardy. Only one member could be on the raft at a time to assemble the cogs correctly while the others tried to help out in the water. If one person was making no progress, they could jump back into the water and a different team member could give it a try.

Both Sting and Venom had one player with Scorpion Island Flu so they were absent for a while. Snapesnogger from Sting and MagicalPockyUsagi from Venom. Waluigis-girl (who was going to play as she was selected by the Island Fire) also had a mild case of Scorpion Island Flu so she could watch the challenge but couldn't compete. Since Venom had two players sick, that left just the three boys, (Alexander4488, ericDouglace and PissedOffAngryGamer) which meant all three of them would have to play both The Eliminator and Double Jeopardy in order to win an Island Torch. Also, part of this challenge involved swimming and Alexander4488 only learned how to swim recently which could possibly be a bump in the road for Venom.

In The Eliminator, the teams ran into the water and collected the cogs really quickly, but their was still one cog that nobody grabbed. Both teams hope it was the other team who forgot that cog and just went on to repairing the rafts. Onigojirakaiju got on the raft for Claw and got all the cogs in easily. Alexander448 tried putting the cogs in, but didn't push them in far enough and figured out that they were the ones who forgot the cog lying in the water. Venom grabbed it and then Alexander4488 swapped out with ericDouglace who started taking everything apart thinking that they did something wrong. Claw already had their cogs in and Onigojirakaiju started screwing in the nuts. Venom were still having trouble when Claw lost their crank giving Venom a chance to catch up. Jessi Slaughter and FanFic Critic dived down quickly and tried to find it and FanFic Critic did. Onigojirakaiju swapped out with Jessi Slaughter and figured out they had a round disc that wasn't a cog, but it was to protect their fingers and had to go in before inserting the crank. Venom didn't realize what they had to do with the round disc and Claw managed to move their raft so they won and got to face Sting in Double Jeopardy.

Sting were watching The Eliminator and discussed who would play, who would collect cogs and who would assemble them. They also discussed the strengths and weaknesses of Claw's members.

After The Eliminator, Venom went back to camp and walked to an open clearing with some trees to debrief. MagicalPockyUsagi had Scorpion Island Flu so she wasn't there. This made Venom feel incomplete and they couldn't wait for her to come back. They also discussed that when they didn't decide to go back for the cog they left sooner, they thought they weren't thinking during the challenge and just rushed ahead. They agreed that tommorow would be a new start for Venom and would start winning more challenges.

The challenge became harder for Double Jeopardy. The cogs were attached to small anchors so they were underwater and the adventurers would have to dive down to get them.

Three members from both teams would play. Since Sting bypassed The Eliminator, they got to choose who would play from their team and they chose MichaelDragon800, Cyndilovespiccolo and Realmrsoptimusprime. Normally Sting would get to choose who would play for Claw but since Tim Buckley, Nuttymadam3575 and Charles Hamilton were the only ones who didn't compete yet, they had to.

During Double Jeopardy, Sting and Claw rushed out into the water quickly and both teams gathered all their cogs. Claw made it to their raft first and Sting were right behind. Tim Buckley got on the raft for Claw while MichaelDragon800 did it for Sting. It was close all the way. While Tim Buckley was working away, Charles Hamilton and Nuttymadam3575 didn't realize that they had to undo the anchor by taking it off the raft. This made their other teammates shout to them from the beach. Sting and Claw both got all their cogs in at the same time, but Sting's wouldn't turn for some reason and Claw's cogs weren't completely meshed together. Claw fixed this problem quickly and won.

Since Sting bypassed The Eliminator and lost, they had to give up one of their Island Torches. BlackbusterCritic and Alex the verticalspy then lit a new torch for Claw and gave them one of Sting's. Sting and Claw were now tied with 3 Island Torches each while Venom only had 1.

It was time to vote for new team captains. MichaelDragon800 became captain for Sting, Jessi Slaughter became captain for Claw and ericDouglace became captain for Venom.

The three team captains then drew bamboo poles to see who would do the Captain's Challenge. Jessi Slaughter picked the shortest pole so she would do it. She had to guide a metal hoop through a wire course without letting the hoop touch the wire. She had three tries to make it through. If she made it, Claw would get the luxury prize. If not, Sting and Venom would get it instead. On Jessi Slaughter's first attempt, she guided the hoop very carefully but touched the wire at a tricky part. On her second attempt, she got past the hard part and got through the rest of the course easily so Claw won the luxury prize which was a camera for each of them with 27 photos to take. They took photos of each other near the lagoon and the camp.

That night, all three teams went to the Island Fire to learn the name of the next challenge. The captains turned the rings to see what the challenge would be: Collision Course. Since Claw won today, they got to bypass The Eliminator and go straight to Double Jeopardy, so just Sting and Venom would compete in The Eliminator and the winner would face Claw in Double Jeopardy. All of Sting then placed their hands in the island handprints to see who would play in The Eliminator. MichaelDragon800 and Guptill89's handprints glowed brightly which meant that they were selected to play by the island. Venom did the same thing and PissedOffAngryGamer and MagicalPockyUsagi were selected. The adventurers then said goodnight to BlackbusterCritic and Alex the verticalspy and returned to camp. BlackbusterCritic and Alex the verticalspy then left the viewers wondering if Venom would catch up with Sting and Claw.

Day 8

Today's challenge is called Collision Course. Two members from both Sting and Venom competed in The Eliminator. In this challenge, two sets of barrels were placed in Thunder River. The teams had to swim upriver and go underneath the barrels into spaces where they had to open doors to haul a rope with two skulls on it. Once they got the skulls off the rope, they had to swim back to the start and put the skulls in a holder to stop the time. Whichever team did this in the fastest time wins and gets to face Claw in Double Jeopardy.

In The Eliminator, Sting went first. MichaelDragon800 and Guptill89 worked well getting the rope through the first set of barrels but had trouble during the second set. After they freed their skulls, MichaelDragon800 tried throwing his back. They completed the challenge quickly, but the only way they would know if MichaelDragon800's idea was good was to see how Venom did.

It was Venom's turn and MagicalPockyUsagi got the rope through the first set of barrels all by herself. Then PissedOffAngryGamer helped MagicalPockyUsagi with the rope during the second set of barrels. They completed the challenge 45 seconds faster than Sting so Venom won and got to play Claw in Double Jeopardy.

Claw were watching The Eliminator and decided to have FanFic Critic and Tim Buckley play Double Jeopardy. This however made Charles Hamilton sad because he didn't get chosen because he said he's a good swimmer. The rest of the team told him that they thought he would be good in other challenges. Jessi Slaughter, who was Claw's captain apologised to Charles Hamilton for not chosing him but she and the rest of Claw promised to pick him in other challenges. This made Charles Hamilton happy and he and Jessi Slaughter hugged.

After The Eliminator, Sting went back to camp and thought that they did great and that Venom was just a little better. They then agreed to try and get back into winning challenges.

The challenge became harder for Double Jeopardy. One member from both teams would be blindfolded so their teammate would have to guide them. While swimming upriver, the teams had to carry a rope with skulls on it, and everytime they swam into a small space in the sets of barrels, they had to open the door above them and put one of their skulls through it. Once they got to the end of the course, the adventurers had to dive down to open a treasure chest to release coloured balls. Whoever released the ball in the fastest time wins.

Two members from both teams would play. Since Claw bypassed The Eliminator, they got to choose who would play from both teams. They already decided on FanFic Critic and Tim Buckley for Claw and chose Alexander4488 and ericDouglace to play for Venom.

BlackbusterCritic and Alex the verticalspy then reminded the viewers about how water and Alexander4488 don't go hand in hand because Alexander4488 only learned how to swim a couple of weeks before arriving on Scorpion Island.

In Double Jeopardy, Claw went first and Tim Buckley was blindfolded. FanFic Critic had to pull the rope into the water because the skulls float. During the second set of barrels, Tim Buckley went ahead and opened all the doors without FanFic Critic's help, leaving FanFic Critic to simply put the skulls through the doors. At the end of the course, FanFic Critic dived down and opened the treasure chest on the first go, thus completing the challenge.

It was Venom's turn and Alexander4488 was blindfolded. Both Alexander4488 and ericDouglace weren't very good swimmers and Alexander4488 got to the first set before ericDouglace. Alexander4488 was worried about going underwater but ericDouglace helped him out. ericDouglace then realized that some skulls fell off his rope so he had to swim back to get them. ericDouglace tried to get the skulls underwater, but they float so well that it was hard. When he finally got them underwater, he got a skull through the first door. But then Alexander488 started freezing and got a cramp. It became so bad that he wasn't able to continue, so he and ericDouglace gave up which meant Claw won.

BlackbusterCritic and Alex the verticalspy then lit Claw's new Island Torch and Claw took it along with the torch they risked. Claw were now in the lead with 4 Island Torches, Sting had 3 and Venom still had 1.

It was time to vote for new team captains. Realmrsoptimusprime became captain for Sting, Nuttymadam3575 became captain for Claw and Alexander4488 became captain for Venom.

The three team captains then drew bamboo poles to see who would do the Captain's Challenge. Nuttymadam3575 picked the shortest pole so she would do it. She had 60 seconds to flip over two cards at a time on a board and find all the pairs. If she found them all, she would win a luxury prize for Claw. If not, Sting and Venom would get it instead. Nuttymadam3575 flipped over the cards as fast as she could. Unfortunately, she ran out of time with 4 matches left, so Sting and Venom won the luxury prize which was swimming gear, which they used to play and relax in the lagoon.

That night, all three teams went to the Island Fire to learn the name of the next challenge. The captains turned the rings to see what the challenge would be: Critical Crossing. Since Claw won today, they got to bypass The Eliminator and go straight to Double Jeopardy, so just Sting and Venom would compete in The Eliminator and the winner would face Claw in Double Jeopardy. All of Sting then placed their hands in the island handprints to see who would play in The Eliminator. Cyndilovespiccolo and Realmrsoptimusprime's handprints glowed brightly which meant they were selected to play by the island. Venom did the same thing and Waluigis-girl and MagicalPockyUsagi were selected. The adventurers then said goodnight to BlackbusterCritic and Alex the verticalspy and returned to camp. After they left and before signing off, BlackbusterCritic and Alex the verticalspy told the viewers that something was going to happen, and Claw were not going to like it.

Day 9

For the first half of their stay, Claw was arguing a lot, but later on, started working together and won recent challenges. At the moment they were in the lead with 4 Island Torches. But the island was feeling restless and had a shock in store for Claw. The episode began with Jessi Slaughter waking up and finding a skull with a message in it telling her to go to the bamboo poles that the captains drew for the Captain's Challenge and select one of them. She picked a pole and broke it open to read the message inside it. The message said "You are mine". She screamed and ran around, but the island had captured her. BlackbusterCritic and Alex the verticalspy then told the viewers that Jessi Slaughter would join whichever team won The Eliminator (Sting or Venom). Either way, she wouldn't be going back to Claw.

Today's challenge is called Critical Crossing. Two members from both Sting and Venom competed in The Eliminator. In this challenge, 5 swings were hung above Thunder River. One member had to jump from swing to swing to get to the end, jump off and catch a skull. The other team member had to move the skull so their teammate could reach it. If they jumped and missed a swing, they had to go back to the swing they jumped from, otherwise they would recieve a 10 second penalty. Both teams have 4 minutes to retrieve the skull. Whoever got it in the fastest time wins and gets to face Claw in Double Jeopardy. If neither team got the skull within 4 minutes, whoever made it across the most swings would win.

Before The Eliminator began, Alex the verticalspy told the adventurers that whoever won The Eliminator would win a new team member. This made the player's surprised and they wondered who was up for grabs. Neither Sting nor Venom knew that it was Jessi Slaughter and Claw never knew what happened to her.

In The Eliminator, Sting went first with Realmrsoptimusprime on the swings and Cyndilovespiccolo holding the skull. Realmrsoptimusprime made slow progress and fell off a lot. She got to the last swing and tried to grab the skull, but ran out of time.

It was Venom's turn with MagicalPockyUsagi on the swings and Waluigis-girl holding the skull. MagicalPockyUsagi remained balanced and never fell off at all. She got to the last swing with plenty of time to get the skull, but she couldn't and ran out of time.

Since neither team got the skull, the win went to whoever made it the furthest. However, both teams got to the last swing so it came down to whoever got to the last swing in the fastest time, which was Venom by a landslide.

After anouncing that Venom won, BlackbusterCritic and Alex the verticalspy revealed Venom's new team member. Everyone, including Claw who were watching The Eliminator had their eyes on the cage. The cage was lifted and Jessi Slaughter was revealed. Jessi Slaughter was glad to be out of the island's clutches and rushed over to her new team. Claw were watching and were devestated and couldn't believe they lost a team member. Onigojirakaiju tried to act brave and pretend that losing Jessi Slaughter wasn't such a big deal, but the others were unhappy.

After the Eliminator, Sting went back to camp and thought they did well, but they also thought they had some disadvantages that made them lose. Snapesnogger then started feeling that she wasn't in the right team because MichaelDragon800 was the only one in Sting who seemed to like her because the two of them do well in challenges. Also, she was good friends with Jessi Slaughter and wished that they won her. Realmrsoptimusprime was also sad because Sting lost every Eliminator that she competed in and the team would always have fights revolving around her. Sting could only hope that Venom would win Double Jeopardy and bring Claw down to 3 Island Torches.

The challenge became harder for Double Jeopardy. Instead of one person on the swings, it was two. Both team members had to work together to get both of themselves across the swing and retrieve two flags at the end. If neither team got both flags within the 4 minute time limit, then just like The Eliminator, the wins goes to whichever team made it the furthest across.

Two members from both teams would play. Since Claw bypassed The Eliminator, they got to choose who would play from both teams. They chose Charles Hamilton and Onigojirakaiju to play for Claw and ericDouglace and PissedOffAngryGamer to play for Venom and were determined to beat Venom after losing Jessi Slaughter and having her sent to Venom.

Claw went first. They had a rhythm on the swings. They got across the first swing quickly but Charles Hamilton and Onigojirakaiju lost their footing and made each other fall off. They got to the second swing and when Charles Hamilton tried going for the third, he fell and moved straight to the third swing, giving Claw a 10 second penalty. They both got to the last swings and tried to get their flags off, but their hands were so tired that it was hard, but they got them off right before they ran out of time.

It was Venom's turn. Their time started at the time it took Claw to complete the challenge and counted down. If Venom could complete the challenge before Claw's time ran out, they would win. Unfortunately, PissedOffAngryGamer and ericDouglace took a long time on the first two swings and ericDouglace's was tangled, so he had to go back to the start to untangle it. PissedOffAngryGamer jumped to the third swing, but fell off and didn't go back to the second one, giving Venom a 10 second penalty. They both got to the third swing but time ran out, so Claw won.

BlackbusterCritic and Alex the verticalspy then lit Claw's new Island Torch and Claw took it along with the torch they risked. Claw now had 5 Island Torches, Sting had 3 and Venom only had 1.

It was time to vote for new team captains. Charles Hamilton became captain for Claw and MagicalPockyUsagi became captain for Venom. Sting had a tie between Snapesnogger and Guptill89 so they had to decide amongst themselves. Guptill89 told Snapesnogger that he voted for Cyndilovespiccolo but decide to change his mind to her because she thought she would be good, so Snapesnogger became captain for Sting.

The three team captains then drew bamboo poles to see who would do the Captain's Challenge. MagicalPockyUsagi picked the shortest pole so she would do it. She had to search through a barrel of gloop and find a golden skull. If she could, she would win a luxury prize for Venom. If not, Sting and Claw would get it instead. She got rid of almost all the gloop in the barrel and found the golden skull easily so Venom won the luxury prize which was chocolate fondue with strawberries and marshmallows. Venom decided to share it with the other teams and things became chaotic when everyone smeared chocolate all over their faces and went wild.

That night all three teams went to the Island Fire to learn the name of the next challenge. The captains turned the rings to see what the challenge would be: Wheelspin. Since Claw won today, they got to bypass The Eliminator and go straight to Double Jeopardy, so just Sting and Venom would compete in The Eliminator and the winner would face Claw in Double Jeopardy. All of Sting then placed their hands in the island handprints to see who would play in The Eliminator. Guptill89 and MichaelDragon800's handprints glowed brightly which meant they were selected to play by the island. Venom did the same thing and Waluigis-girl and Alexander4488 were selected. The adventurers then said goodnight to BlackbusterCritic and Alex the verticalspy and returned to camp. BlackbusterCritic and Alex the verticalspy then signed off.

Day 10

Today's challenge is called Wheelspin. Two members from both Sting and Venom competed in The Eliminator. In this challenge, teams had to drive a Scorpion Island go-kart through a dirt course that's in the shape of the sting of a scorpion while avoiding poles marking the bounadries and going around pole that had arrows on them telling them which direction they had to go in. There were three skulls hanging on to the go-kart. Everytime someone broke a skull by hitting a pole on the course, hit a boundary pole or misseda pole they had to go around in a specific direction would recieve a 10 second penalty. To complete the course, they had to drive into a hay bale, and whoever did this in the fastest time wins and gets to face Claw in Double Jeopardy.

In The Eliminator, Venom went first with Alexander4488 driving and Waluigis-girl navigating. He drove through the course quickly but crashed a skull on the go-kart. Waluigis-girl tried to help Alexander4488 out, but she screamed during most of the challenge. They smashed another skull while getting through the hardest part of the course and then drove into the hay bale, completing the challenge. Afterwards, Waluigis-girl cheered while Alexander4488 did a victory dance, even though they had a total penalty of 20 seconds.

It was Sting's turn. Since MichaelDragon800 had great go-kart skills, he did the driving while Guptill89 navigated. They went through the course slowly but were very careful and didn't smash any skulls. They completed the course, and with no penalty, Sting won and got to face Claw in Double Jeopardy.

Claw were watching The Eliminator and at first nominated FanFic Critic and Charles Hamilton for the challenge. They all agreed and Nuttymadam3575 was happy because the team was no longer arguing and were doing well even though they lost Jessu Slaughter. But then FanFic Critic felt a little unconfident and thought she would let her team down in this challenge, so Claw thought of switching her with Tim Buckley and then finally decided on Charles Hamilton and Nuttymadam3575. Onigojirakaiju felt a little annoyed because no one told him about switching FanFic Critic for Nuttymadam3575 and thought the whole team should make decisions together, but was still happy about who they chose.

After The Eliminator, Venom went back to camp and some of them thought that Waluigis-girl and Alexander4488 weren't focusing on the challenge and were just goofing off, but Waluigis-girl swore that she was actually helping Alexander4488. Then ericDouglace said that the captain, which was MagicalPockyUsagi, wasn't acting like a proper captain, which made her say that she didn't like being bossy and that just because she was the captain, doesen't mean she could do whatever she wanted. One of Venom's rules is Teamwork and Respect, but right now, they seem to be falling apart.

The challenge became harder for Double Jeopardy. The driver was blindfolded so the passenger had to guide them around the course.

Two members from both teams would play. Since Claw bypassed The Eliminator, they got to choose who would play from both teams. They already decided on Charles Hamilton and Nuttymadam3575 for Claw and chose Cyndilovespiccolo and Realmrsoptimusprime for Sting.

Claw went first with Charles Hamilton being blindfolded. It was hard for Nuttymadam3575 to guide Charles Hamilton around and she almost mixed up some of the left and right arrows that told them where to go. They drove into a boundary, smashing a skull on top of it and then missed a turn they had to go around giving them a 20 second penalty just like that. They got through the course in 3:40 plus their penalties made their overall time 4 minutes.

It was Sting's turn with Cyndilovespiccolo being blindfolded. Sting's clock started at 4 minutes and counted down, so they had to complete the course before the timer hit zero. When they began, they crashed into a post right away. Realmrsoptimusprime tried to guide Cyndilovespiccolo carefully, but they were stuck at the stuck of the course. This made the other members of Sting shout at her trying to tell her what to do. Even Team Claw was shouting at Cyndilovespiccolo and Realmrsoptimusprime to try and keep them stuck at the start, while Snapesnogger said something harsh to Onigojirakaiju who was trying to mix up Sting's lefts and rights. Sting smashed two skulls on the car and one in a course boundary so 30 seconds were immediately deducted from their remaining time. They got stuck between two poles and Cyndilovespiccolo tried accelerating so hard that the engine almost broke. Sting ran out of time and were nowhere near thw finish, so Claw won.

BlackbusterCritic and Alex the verticalspy then lit Claw's new Island Torch and Claw took it along with the torch they risked. Claw now had 6 Island Torches, Sting had 3 and Venom still had 1.

It was time to vote for new team captains. Onigojirakaiju became captain for Claw, Guptill89 became captain for Sting and Waluigis-girl became captain for Venom.

The three team captains then drew bamboo poles to see who would do the captains challenge. Suprisingly, all their poles were exactly the same length. When they returned to camp, they held the poles behind their backs so no one could see them. Guptill89 was the first to speak and said he picked the shortest pole while holding it then. Then Waluigis-girl held her pole up and said she had the shortest pole. Onigojirakaiju interrupted them both and said he was pretty sure he had the sortest pole and held his up. Everyone was surprised. They all broke open their poles and found a piece of a message. They put their pieces together and made this message: "Your task is to have fun and chill out", which is exactly what they did by playing in the lagoon together.

That night all three teams went to the Island Fire to learn the name of the next challenge. The captains turned the rings to see what the challenge would be: Unbearable Load. Since Claw won today, they got to bypass The Eliminator again and go straight to Double Jeopardy, so just Sting and Venom would compete in The Eliminator and the winner would face Claw in Double Jeopardy. All of Sting then placed their hand in the island handprints to see who would play in The Eliminator. Snapesnogger, Cyndilovespiccolo and Guptill89's handprints glowed brightly which meant they were selected to play by the island. Venom did the same thing and ericDouglace, PissedOffAngryGamer and Jessi Slaughter were selected. The adventurers then said goodnight to BlackbusterCritic and Alex the verticalspy and returned to camp. After they left and before signing off, BlackbusterCritic and Alex the verticalspy told the viewers that the Island Torches are really important, and the teams have no clue how important they are.

Day 11

Today's challenge is called Unbearable Load. Three members from both Sting and Venom competed in The Eliminator. In this challenge, two team members were holding up a heavy barrel while the opposing team member was trying to make it heavier by throwing skulls into it. The first team that makes their barrel fall into the water loses. The winner will get to face Claw in Double Jeopardy.

In the Eliminator, Guptill89 and Jessi Slaughter raced towards the platform and they pushed each other trying to get up. Guptill89 managed to get a number of skulls in Venom's bucket, but Jessi Slaughter, who is a netball player, kept missing Sting's barrel. Venom were really struggling holding their barrel up, but Sting kept saying that it was easy. Once the bags of skulls were empty, Guptill89 and Jessi Slaughter swam trying to collect the skulls floating in the water. Once, Jessi Slaughter got on the platform again, she got two perfect throws into Sting's barrel. PissedOffAngryGamer and ericDouglace were close to dropping their barrel, but they confidently pulled their barrel higher than Sting's. Guptill89 and Jessi Slaughter were both stealing each other's skulls and PissedOffAngryGamer even had to use his teeth to pull, while he was resting his hand. In the end, because of the heavy weight of skulls, Venom dropped their barrel in the water and Sting won The Eliminator.

Jessi Slaughter had hurt her leg a little when she got pushed by Guptill89, so she went to the medic, while the other players in Venom went back to camp. They discussed that they needed to have a proper team talk before each challenge, and to have better tactics.

After being on Scorpion Island for a while, the adventures reflected on their time so far. Some said that they loved doing things they couldn't do in regular life and had fun making great friends. Others started talking about how they would use things they learned when they went home.

The challenge became harder for Double Jeopardy. Instead of having two team members haul up a barrel, a member of the opposition needed to be hauled instead and they would catch the throwers' skulls and put them in a sack.

Four members from both teams would play. Since Claw bypassed The Eliminator, they got to choose who would play from both teams. Claw chose everyone out of their team to play except for Nuttymadam3575, but they said that they would choose her for the next challenge. They chose everyone from Sting to play except for Guptill89, because they thought he did very well in The Eliminator.

In Double Jeopardy, FanFic Critic and Cyndilovespiccolo were throwing skulls to Charles Hamilton and Snapesnogger. FanFic Critic wetted her skulls before throwing them so they could be heavier. Charles Hamilton started to fall off his seat but he caught one before splashing down into the water, causing the game to restart. Once the game restarted, both teams caught most of their skulls, and were working well but Tim Buckley from Claw kept feeling like Onigojirakaiju had let go of the rope. MichaelDragon800 and Realmrsoptimusprime were struggling trying to hold theirs because Claw had more skulls than Sting, but Claw were losing. Just as the teams were still trying to hold their rivals, Claw tried really hard but they made Snapesnogger go into the water and Sting had won, just as Realmrsoptimusprime and MichaelDragon800 were about to drop theirs. Tim Buckley argued with Onigojirakaiju thinking he'd let go of the rope, but it turns out that he didn't.

BlackbusterCritic and Alex the verticalspy then lit Sting's new Island Torch and Sting took it along with the torch they risked. Sting now had 5 Island Torches, Claw also had 5 and Venom only had 1.

It was then time for the teams to vote for their new team captain. Cyndilovespiccolo became Sting's captain, FanFic Critic became Claw's captain and Alexander4488 became Venom's captain.

The three team captains then drew bamboo poles to see who would do the Captain's Challenge. Alexander4488 picked the shortest pole so he would do it. He had to identify five people from their rival teams blindfolded by touching them. He had to guess Tim Buckley, Nuttymadam3575, Charles Hamilton, Realmrsoptimusprime and MichaelDragon800. Some of them were trying to make funny faces but Alexander4488 got them all correct and Venom won. They got the ice creams and were thinking about giving one to Tim Buckley, but they thought that everyone else would want one so they decided not to share. Onigojirakaiju, Snapesnogger and MichaelDragon800 joked around that they would've preferred having brains instead. Claw forgot about not having the ice creams, by jokingly re-enacting the task.

That night all three teams went to the Island Fire to learn the name of the next challenge. The captains turned the rings to see what the challenge would be: Serious Scramble. Since Sting won today, they got to bypass The Eliminator again and go straight to Double Jeopardy, so just Claw and Venom would compete in The Eliminator and the winner would face Sting in Double Jeopardy. All of Claw then placed their hand in the island handprints to see who would play in The Eliminator. Nuttymadam3575 and Charles Hamilton's handprints glowed brightly which meant they were selected to play by the island. Venom did the same thing and Waluigis-girl and MagicalPockyUsagi were selected. The adventurers then said goodnight to BlackbusterCritic and Alex the verticalspy and returned to camp. BlackbusterCritic and Alex the verticalspy then signed off.

Day 12

Today's challenge is called Serious Scramble. Two members from both Claw and Venom competed in The Eliminator. In this challenge, the teams had to swim to Skeleton Falls, climb up the waterfall and then climb up on a high net. Once they reached the top, they had to open a bag to release coloured balls. The first team to go up to the top and release the balls wins.

In The Eliminator, both teams were nearly neck and neck, but MagicalPockyUsagi made it into the lead for Venom. They both found it hard to get up the waterfall, but both got up still nearly tied. Once they got to the net, Nuttymadam3575's small size made her slower to get up and Waluigis-girl started having bad asthma. MagicalPockyUsagi motivated Waluigis-girl to keep going and both Charles Hamilton and MagicalPockyUsagi got up to the top first. Nuttymadam3575 was still slowly getting up but Waluigis-girl got up to the top, released the coloured balls and Venom won and and got to face Sting in Double Jeopardy.

Sting were watching and decided who should play Double Jeopardy. They decided MichaelDragon800 and Snapesnogger to play, but Guptill89 was not happy with that because other times, Sting have chosen for everyone to do an equal number of challenges. Guptill89 wanted to do it with Snapesnogger, but she said that when they play, they always get into arguments. The team had a vote, but it was still decided for MichaelDragon800 and Snapesnogger to play because they worked strongly together. Guptill89 started to get upset of this. Snapesnogger said that because it was getting closer to the final challenge, they should change their strategy a little. Guptill89 was still disappointed, but thought that MichaelDragon800 and Snapesnogger would do well together.

Claw went back to camp and discussed that they needed to push themselves towards the limit. They were disappointed that they lost but hoped Venom would win so they would have the highest amount of Island Torches.

The challenge became harder for Double Jeopardy. Instead of releasing a bag of coloured balls, there were several ropes making an outline of a scorpion. The teams had to put together the five un-joined ropes. The team that completes the scorpion the fastest wins.

Two members from both teams would play. Since Sting bypassed The Eliminator, they get to choose who would play from both teams. They already decided on MichaelDragon800 and Snapesnogger and chose Alexander4488 and ericDouglace for Venom.

Venom went first. Alexander4488 and ericDouglace got up to the net quickly and got the first three ropes in but they took a while finding the last two and had to listen to their team member's shouts

Sting went next and got their ropes in quickly, but Snapesnogger had trouble with one of them and nearly fell off. Sting won by only a few seconds.

BlackbusterCritic and Alex the verticalspy then lit Sting's new Island Torch and Sting took it along with the torch they risked. Sting now had 6 Island Torches, Claw had 5 and Venom only had 1.

The teams went back to camp and voted for their new team captains. Nuttymadam3575 was Claw's captain, Jessi Slaughter was Venom's captain and Snapersnogger was Sting's captain.

The three team captains then drew bamboo poles to see who would do the Captain's Challenge. Snapesnogger picked the shortest pole so she would do it. She had to taste five dishes blindfolded and had to guess which dish was chicken. Other dishes were crocodile, emu, kangaroo and venison (referred to as rat). Everyone screamed and squealed when they realised the names of the first 4 dishes. Snapesnogger liked them except for the emu. When she ate the last dish which was chicken, all the teams pretended that she was eating something horrible. She thought that the chicken was either the first dish or last dish, guessed last and won the challenge. They got the water guns and had fun with them around the camp. Some of Venom's team members would've loved to have a water gun and Claw started to plan an attack on Sting if they wet them. Onigojirakaiju ran up to Sting and stole one of their guns and they started spraying Claw's camp, then Venom threw buckets of water at them.

That night all three teams went to the Island Fire to learn the name of the next challenge. The captains turned the rings to see what the challenge would be: Don't Look Down. Since Sting won today, they got to bypass The Eliminator again and go straight to Double Jeopardy, so just Claw and Venom would compete in The Eliminator and the winner would face Sting in Double Jeopardy. All of Claw then placed their hand in the island handprints to see who would play in The Eliminator. Tim Buckley and Onigojirakaiju's handprints glowed brightly which meant they were selected to play by the island. Venom did the same thing and Alexander4488 and PissedOffAngryGamer were selected. The adventurers then said goodnight to BlackbusterCritic and Alex the verticalspy and returned to camp. BlackbusterCritic and Alex the verticalspy then signed off.

Day 13

Today's challenge is called Don't Look Down. Two members from both Claw and Venom competed in The Eliminator. In this challenge, on The Shattered Skull, a mysterious pirate ship, the players had to climb up the ship up to the top, walk across on wires holding hands together pushing skulls with their feet until the time runs out. If they fell off, they had to start again. The team that makes it to the end the fastest, or makes the furthest wins.

In The Eliminator, Claw went first. Tim Buckley was mainly taking charge because Onigojirakaiju was nervous. They slowly but carefully moved along the wires before Tim Buckley ended up causing them falling. They went again and started to go further, but again Tim Buckley caused them to fall. They were working hard but both seemed to be enjoying it. They went again and got around the middle of the wires before their time ran up. Claw's skulls stayed in the placed they finished so Venom knew how far they had to go to win. Venom went second and Alexander4488 and PissedOffAngryGamer were close to falling at some stages, but they kept their balance. They got up to Claw's skulls and pushed them along with their skulls, but they fell off. Venom were cheering from the ship anyway because they knew they won.

During the challenge, Sting were watching with captain Snapesnogger on board The Shattered Skull to take a close look, while the others were on a boat nearby. The rest of Sting thought that MichaelDragon800, Guptill89 and Realmrsoptimusprime would be right for the challenge and were sure that Snapesnogger was going to make the right decision. She chose MichaelDragon800 because he is a strong player and Guptill89 because he had missed out on recent challenges. Snapesnogger also chose ericDouglace and Waluigis=girl to play for Venom, because she thought that Jessi Slaughter and MagicalPockyUsagi would be better at this challenge than them.

Claw went back to camp. They thought Onigojirakaiju and Tim Buckley did the best they could, but thought that they lost because of their small sizes. They discussed that they needed to win the next challenge to be in the lead with Island Torches. They also discussed that they needed to have less fun now because it was getting close to the end of their stay, and they needed to start focusing more on escaping Scorpion Island rather than anything else. They also said that they needed to stick to their team constitution.

The challenge became harder for Double Jeopardy. Instead of making it to the end while pushing skulls, the players had to hang five skulls on hooks. Once a skull was put on, they had to go back and put another one on. The team that gets all their skulls on the fastest or puts the most skulls up until the time runs out wins.

In Double Jeopardy, Sting went first. Guptill89 and MichaelDragon800 were slowly working together and they carefully put each skull in place, with not many falls and they finished with 8 seconds left. Venom went next and they were only getting used to the heights. They had problems getting the skulls on while holding each other and fell off a lot of times. The time ran out and Venom only had two skulls hung, so Sting won the challenge.

BlackbusterCritic and Alex the verticalspy then lit Sting's new Island Torch and Sting took it along with the torch they risked. Sting now had 7 Island Torches, Claw had 5 and Venom only had 1.

Sting and Venom headed back to Scorpion Island and it was time for the Captain's Challenge. Jessi Slaughter selected the shortest bamboo pole so she was playing. She had to spell seven words from a ten-word list correctly. She managed to easily spell most of the words like camp, island and more as they go harder. Jessi Slaughter then had to spell strategy but got it wrong. She got the next word correct and Venom won. They got the face paints and they each painted themselves with different patterns. Tim Buckley went up to them and asked if they could have some, but they said no. Tim Buckley and some others then started spraying them with water guns.

That night all three teams went to the Island Fire to learn the name of the next challenge. The captains turned the rings to see what the challenge would be: Daredevil Drop. Since Sting won today, they got to bypass The Eliminator again and go straight to Double Jeopardy, so just Claw and Venom would compete in The Eliminator and the winner would face Sting in Double Jeopardy. All of Claw then placed their hand in the island handprints to see who would play in The Eliminator. FanFic Critic and Nuttymadam3575's handprints glowed brightly which meant they were selected to play by the island. Venom did the same thing and Jessi Slaughter and MagicalPockyUsagi were selected. The adventurers then said goodnight to BlackbusterCritic and Alex the verticalspy and returned to camp. BlackbusterCritic and Alex the verticalspy then signed off. BlackbusterCritic and Alex the verticalspy then left the viewers wondering if Venom would win the last Island Torch.

Day 14

Today's challenge is called Daredevil Drop. Two members from both Claw and Venom competed in The Eliminator. In this challenge, there was a hot air balloon hanging on two sets of cables. The teams had one player to use a hand bike to get to the balloon and throw sandbags into their side of the basket while the other player passes the bags to them. The team that has the most sandbags in their side of the balloon and makes it fall to the ground wins.

In The Eliminator, Jessie Slaughter was pedaling for Venom and FanFic Critic was pedaling for Claw. FanFic Critic got up to the balloon first, she threw her sandbag and got it in for Claw. Jessi Slaughter then got up but missed it. FanFic Critic collected another sandbag and tried to throw it, but the rope stopped the bag getting in. Jessi Slaughter tried again but still missed it. She started to struggle and couldn't feel she could do it. FanFic Critic threw her next sandbag, and it was close to going into the basket but fell out, almost going into Venom's side. Jessi Slaughter still had trouble and she threw a sandbag from a too far distance. She rested her arms by hand biking back one handed. On FanFic Critic's 5th attempt, she carefully lined her throw up and got the sandbag in, which was enough for the balloon to crash down to the ground.

During The Eliminator, Sting were watching and decided to choose Snapesnogger and Realmrsoptimusprime, because they thought they would be right for this challenge and Realmrsoptimusprime hadn't played a challenge for a while. They chose Onigojirakaiju and Charles Hamilton to play Double Jeopardy for Claw because they thought Tim Buckley would do well in this challenge.

Venom went back to camp, and they had no more chances of winning Island Torches. They had 1 Torch. ericDouglace said that they needed to start being serious for the final challenge, but MagicalPockyUsagi said that him, PissedOffAngryGamer and Alexander4488 were mucking around all the time. ericDouglace and Alexander4488 tried to defend themselves saying that they can have a laugh but they said they were serious in the challenges. MagicalPockyUsagi and everyone else was unhappy that they were losing challenges but the boys said that they weren't always mucking around. Waluigis-girl said that she'd rather not escape the island at all, but being proud of each other instead of escaping hating each other. The boys said that they weren't going to muck around anymore even though MagicalPockyUsagi didn't think so, but they all agreed they were going to put 110% into the final challenge.

The challenge became harder for Double Jeopardy. Instead of transporting sandbags to a hot air balloon, one player had to carry a skull across to the other side and throw it to the other player. The other player had to catch the skull and petal back to put it on their platform. The team with the most skulls transported wins.

In Double Jeopardy, Sting went first with Snapesnogger throwing the skulls to Realmrsoptimusprime. Realmrsoptimusprime made the mistake of letting go of the hand bike, and she went backwards down the slope hitting herself. She went back up and Snapesnogger threw the skull to her, but she missed. Snapesnogger went back to get another but Realmrsoptimusprime made the mistake of going back to the start when she could've just stayed there, and she had to rely on her teammates watching. Snapesnogger then threw the skull to Realmrsoptimusprime, and she almost grabbed it but dropped it. Snapesnogger got another skull and threw again, and this time Realmrsoptimusprime caught it. She then pedaled back to the start, but the skull slipped between her legs and fell off while she was half way. Snapesnogger went back to the start but decided to stop the challenge because she was very tired and a little annoyed at Realmrsoptimusprime. Claw went next with Charles Hamilton throwing the skulls to Onigojirakaiju. As they were pedaling, Charles Hamilton dropped his skull and had to get another. Onigojirakaiju made the same mistake as Realmrsoptimusprime by going back to the start when he could've stayed there. They were about to throw but it was too far, so they went closer. Charles Hamilton threw the skull to Onigojirkaiju and he touched it, but accidentally batted it away. Charles Hamilton went back to get another. He threw it and Onigojirakaiju caught it. He then started to peddle back slowly and he put the skull on his platform which was all they needed to do to win the challenge.

BlackbusterCritic and Alex the verticalspy then lit Claw's new Island Torch and Claw took it along with the torch they got from Sting. Claw are now in the lead with 7 Island Torches, Sting had 6 and Venom only had 1.

The teams went back to their camp's to vote for their new team captain for the final challenge. Tim Buckley became Claw's captain and Alexander4488 became the captain for Venom, but there was a hung vote between Realmrsoptimusprime and Guptill89 for Sting. Guptill89 gave it to Realmrsoptimusprime so she became Sting's captain.

In the final Captain's Challenge, Tim Buckley selected the shortest bamboo pole. Once again, the prize is for everyone. He had to make five things out of modelling clay and everyone else has to guess three of them. He molded a skull, which everyone got it right. He then molded a spider, which many assume it to be a scorpion but eventually got it right. Then he molded a hutch which despite struggling to look like it and the rest of the adventurers having trouble making out on it, they got it right. The prize is an afternoon off from the pressures of Scorpion Island so the adventurers all decide to have fun in the lagoon for the rest of the afternoon.

The teams then went to the Island Fire for the last time. The captains turned the rings to see what the challenge would be: The Boulderizer. BlackbusterCritic and Alex the verticalspy told them that the last day was going to be in two stages. First, an Eliminator and then a final challenge. The team that lost The Eliminator would go into lockdown and not escape. They revealed that the Island Torches had two advantages. The first was that the team with the most torches would bypass The Eliminator and go on to the final challenge, which was Team Claw. The second advantage wasn't going to be revealed until the final challenge. Sting and Venom were going to play The Eliminator so Sting placed their hands on the Island Palms to see who was playing. The flame faded under none of them so they were all playing. It was then Venom's turn to place their hands on the Island Palms. The Island chose everyone except Alexander4488. Because they have the least amount of Island Torches and 6 players, team captain Alexander4488 was being taken out of Team Venom and offered up as a prize for whoever won The Eliminator. Everyone in Venom was very upset and shocked about it, especially Waluigis-girl. The teams went back to camp except Alexander4488 who was being taken by the Island. BlackbusterCritic and Alex the verticalspy said to the viewers that Alexander4488 had a special advantage.

Day 15

Alexander4488 had spent the night in a cage while Venom were still trying to get over the news from last night. PissedOffAngryGamer and ericDouglace did extra training last night and everyone cheered Waluigis-girl up after she was upset. Snapesnogger from Sting felt sorry for Venom and thought it was cruel of the island but they really wanted to get onto the final challenge and win Alexander4488.

Today's first challenge is called The Boulderizer. Five members from both Sting and Venom competed in The Eliminator for the final time. In this challenge, the players had to go one from each team at a time through a course picking up team flags while being chased by a huge boulder. They had to swing on a rope, crawl under a net and run through a muddy pond. If one player gets hit by the boulder the other team wins that part or, the first person to the finish line wins that round for their team. The team that has the most wins from each round wins.

Before The Eliminator started, Sting and Venom had team talks with BlackbusterCritic even joining in both talks. Sting thought that the net in the course was going to be hard to go through, so they said they had to get down as low as possible. They also planned to carry the flags by their teeth. Venom however, seemed negative because Jessi Slaughter was worried that she was going to get her clothes wet. The rest of the team said they needed to focus on winning Alexander4488 and had to run as fast as possible.

The first race was Cyndilovespiccolo for Sting vs. Jessi Slaughter for Venom. They both struggled in the net but the boulder hit Cyndilovespiccolo so Jessi Slaughter won for Venom. The next race was Realmrsoptimusprime for Sting vs. ericDouglace for Venom. They were neck and neck in the net but Realmrsoptimusprime won for Sting, but she said well done to ericDouglace. The 3rd race was MichaelDragon800 for Sting vs. PissedOffAngryGamer for Venom. PissedOffAngryGamer fell over and did a superhero move to get back up. They both switched sides twice and the boulder hit PissedOffAngryGamer first in the net so Sting won. If PissedOffAngryGamer hadn't swapped sides, then the boulder would've hit MichaelDragon800. The 4th race was Guptill89 for Sting vs. MagicalPockyUsagi for Venom. MagicalPockyUsagi had dropped a flag but quickly got ahead of Guptill89, and the boulder hit Guptill89 in the net but MagicalPockyUsagi, even though she won, left nothing to chance and ran through the rest of the course. The last race was the decider with Snapesnogger for Sting vs. Waluigis-girl for Venom. Snapesnogger missed a flag and dropped another but she didn't go back because she was close to the boulder. They went through the net but the boulder hit Waluigis-girl. But Snapesnogger did the same thing as MagicalPockyUsagi even though she had won and ran through the rest of the course. Waluigis-girl was still underneath the boulder, sobbing to herself saying she let her team down.

Before they found out the result, the girls in Sting and Venom were holding hands with each other because they were all close to each other throughout the whole series. Sting had won against Venom by one race. There were many tears and hugs by both teams as Venom were not going to escape. Venom and Alexander4488 said that he was still a part of their team. Alexander4488 was released from the Island and went over to Sting, his new team and Venom were in lockdown so they went into the cage. Sting made their way to the final challenge and Venom shouted to do it for their team with both teams making the name Stenom.

In The Escape, the teams had to abseil face first down Skeleton Falls two at a time, some of them were blindfolded depending on how many torches each team had. After going down the waterfall, the teams had to swim all the way through Thunder River under a series of rocky platforms to the end of the river. The first team to get all their players through the course, escapes the island.

After hearing about The Escape, BlackbusterCritic revealed the second advantage of the Island Torches. The advantage was that they gave the power of light, so the torches were exchanged for blindfolds and the more torches each team had, the more number of unblindfolded players there would be. As Claw had seven torches, they would have three unblindfolded players. Sting had six, so they had two unblindfolded players but after Sting won Alexander4488, he had an advantage. The advantage was that Alexander4488 would not be blindfolded. If Sting didn't win Alexander4488, then one of the unblindfolded players would have to go all the way back up the course to get the last blindfolded player. Snapesnogger for Sting chose Realmrsoptimusprime and Cyndilovespiccolo to be unblindfolded, as well as Alexander4488 despite the fact he will be unblindfolded anyway because of his advantage while Tim Buckley for Claw chose himself, FanFic Critic and Charles Hamilton to be unblindfolded.

In the final challenge, Tim Buckley and blindfolded Onigojirakaiju started for Claw and Realmrsoptimusprime and blindfolded Snapesnogger started for Sting. Sting were leading but Realmrsoptimusprime wasn't helping Snapesnogger much. Claw were going too slowly and Onigojirakaiju wasn't leaning forward enough. Realmrsoptimusprime and Snapesnogger finally made their way down and Cyndilovespiccolo and blindfolded Guptill89 started going down. They slowly were still leading and were working well and Onigojirakaiju and Tim Buckley had gone down so FanFic Critic and blindfolded Nuttymadam3575 went down. FanFic Critic kept telling Nuttymadam3575 to lean forward and found it hard to work with her. Cyndilovespiccolo and Guptill89 made their way down so Alexander4488 and blindfolded MichaelDragon800 were going down. Not wanting Claw to win The Escape again, Alexander4488 barked orders at MichaelDragon800 while he forged down ahead very quick following Alexander4488's instructions. Snapesnogger and Realmrsoptimusprime were still leading for Sting and were getting close to the rocky platforms unaware of how the others were going. Once Nuttymadam3575 and FanFic Critic slowly made their way down the waterfall, Charles Hamilton, who was by himself, charged down the waterfall like a madman. Alexander4488 and MichaelDragon800 got down the waterfall and started swimming, which Alexander4488 wasn't confident of. Charles Hamilton, who is not far behind made his way down soon after. Snapesnogger and Realmrsoptimusprime went through the rocky platforms and were the first to make it through the course. Onigojirakaiju and Tim Buckley soon followed and became the first for Claw. Soon, Cyndilovespiccolo and Guptill89 got through and only had to wait for MichaelDragon800 and Alexander4488 for Sting to win. FanFic Critic and Nuttymadam3575 soon followed and the teams were anxiously waiting for their remaining team members to come through. Alexander4488, MichaelDragon800 and Charles Hamilton made it to the rocky platforms close to each other. The next person came up from the water and was Alexander4488 and MichaelDragon800 and Sting had escaped from Scorpion Island with Charles Hamilton coming up immediately after. Charles Hamilton could only watch and was gutted that Claw was this close to escaping. Charles Hamilton felt disappointed in himself and everyone else in Claw was sad, but they were proud at each other's work.

The winners, Sting ran to BlackbusterCritic. They pushed a plunger which set off an explosion, and two helicopters came to pick them up. On the way, the helicopters stopped off at a place nearby for the adventurers to call their parents. There were many tears as they'd all been away from their family for so long and missed them very much.
